

时间:2020-12-15 浏览:7528次


Statement on LBMA Responsible Sourcing of Silver Raw Materials



   岷山环能高科股份公司作为申请LBMA白银注册精炼厂,严格遵守《LBMA负责任白银指南》的要求,建立管理体系,任命调查小组,对供应链进行尽职调查,并建立供应链追溯系统。   As a refinery applying for LBMA silver registration, Minshan Huaneng Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. strictly abides by the requirements of the "LBMA Responsible Silver Guidelines", establishes a management system, appoints an investigation team, conducts due diligence on the supply chain, and establishes a supply chain traceability system.


      我司将根据尽职调查结果对供应链进行风险评估,杜绝与涉及如下行为的供应链进行合作: Our company will conduct a risk assessment on the supply chain based on the results of due diligence, and refrain from cooperating with supply chains involving the following behaviors:


      1. 人 权侵犯行为,包括使用童工、酷 刑、非人道以及侮辱人格对待方式、广泛的使用暴力或其他严重反人 权强 迫劳动、战争罪、反 人类罪或种族灭 绝罪;  1. Human rights violations, including the use of child labor, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, widespread use of violence or other serious violations of human rights forced labor, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide;


      2. 向非法武装组织或向通过供应链非法控制矿区、交易商、其他中介机构、运输线路的公共或私人安全部队提供直接或间接支持,或在整个供应链内非法征税或敲诈钱财或矿产品(“非法武装组织、公共或私人安全部队”);  2. Provide direct or indirect support to illegal armed groups or to public or private security forces that illegally control mining areas, traders, other intermediaries, transportation routes through the supply chain, or illegally tax or extort money or mining throughout the supply chain; Products (“illegal armed groups, public or private security forces”);


      3. 通过贿赂或欺诈掩盖白银原产地; 3. Disguise the origin of silver through bribery or fraud;

      4. 为遵照政府有关来自受冲突及高风险区域的矿产品的提取、贸易及出口税费要求;   4. To comply with government requirements for extraction, trade and export taxes and fees on minerals from conflict and high-risk areas;


      5. 洗 钱或恐怖主义融资;  5. Money laundering or terrorist financing;

      6. 资助冲突;   6. Funding conflicts;

      7. 从事高风险经营业务,例如武器、赌博、古董和艺术品、教派和其领导 人;   7. Engaging in high-risk businesses such as weapons, gambling, antiques and art, sects and their leaders;

      8. 受益人是政治敏感人物或通缉人员;  8. The beneficiary is a politically exposed person or a wanted person;


    9. 不符合环保及不可持续发展的合法要求。9. Does not meet the legal requirements of environmental protection and unsustainable development.




Hereby declare!





December 15, 2020









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